Friday, June 21, 2013

Let's Fall Into Books
(that have been made into movies!)

What should we read this fall?  How about a book that has been made into a movie?  Then we can all come back and discuss whichever movie/book combo we choose to entertain ourselves with!

Here are some ideas:

Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion

Here's a trailer for the movie:

and a short synopsis of the book:
A zombie who yearns for a better life ends up falling in love with a human, in this original debut novel. R is a zombie. He has no memories, no identity, and no pulse, but he has dreams. He doesn't enjoy killing people; he enjoys riding escalators and listening to Frank Sinatra. He is a little different from his fellow Dead. Not just another zombie novel, this is funny, scary, and deeply moving
Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Trailer for the movie:

Book Trailer:

Life of Pi by Yann Martel

A blog about the movie vs. the book

Beatiful Creatures by Kami Garcia

and book review:

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

Any other ideas you'd like to share?